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How much of your wages will workers’ compensation cover?

On Behalf of | May 18, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

Workers’ compensation insurance in Indiana provides two useful benefits for workers who get injured or sickened by their employment. Indiana workers hurt on the job or diagnosed with a work-acquired medical condition can receive medical coverage for treatment.

The medical benefits available through Indiana workers’ compensation will fully pay for your necessary and approved treatment costs. You won’t have to worry about co-pays or meeting a deductible. That coverage can defray thousands of dollars in costs.

However, if you need time off of work, your biggest source of financial stress may be the loss of your income, not the cost of your medical care. The second primary category of workers’ compensation benefits is disability coverage for when you cannot work. How much will Indiana pay? 

There are several kinds of disability benefits

In general, you can group the conditions that cause workers’ compensation claims into several distinct categories. There are partial, total, permanent and temporary conditions. A complete spinal cord injury will result in permanent medical changes, while a broken bone will be temporary.

A partial disability could leave someone capable of performing some of their job functions, just not all of the tasks they once fulfilled. On the other hand, total disability means that you cannot work your job at all.

Exactly how much you receive will depend on the duration and extent of your injury, as well as what you made before you got hurt. At most, workers’ compensation will pay you up to two-thirds of your average weekly wage. However, that benefit is subject to a maximum benefit amount established by state lawmakers. Currently, the maximum possible benefit payment per week is $1,170.

Maximizing what you received sometimes requires support

It can be difficult to navigate a workers’ compensation claim, especially when you will have a total, permanent disability that keeps you from working or a permanent partial disability that forever reduces your earning potential.

Those who need permanent benefits or who intend to negotiate settlements will likely require help to handle the complexities of the process and ensure they get the most compensation possible. Understanding what workers’ compensation benefits are available will make it easier to support yourself and your family when a medical condition caused by your job leaves you unable to return to work.

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