West Sixth Law | Attorneys

Contact Us Today: 812-273-5230

Formerly Known as Alcorn Sage Schwartz & McGrath

We Are In It For The Long Haul Compassion, Skill And Results Since 1976

We Are In It For The Long Haul Compassion, Skill And Results Since 1976

Appellate Representation

Photo of Professionals at Alcorn, Sage, Schwartz & Magrath LLP

The team at West Sixth Law has years of experience under their belt and have successfully handled a number of appeals in state and federal court. We take pride in our zealous representation of clients in civil, criminal, and family law cases at the state and federal appellate levels.

The appeals process is a complex one, but our team of attorneys understands how to evaluate your trial, recognize judicial errors, and represent your appeal to the state or federal level. We provide open, honest communication for every step of the process.

R. Patrick Magrath, the head of our appellate litigation team, has presented oral argument on multiple occasions both before the Indiana Court of Appeals and Indiana Supreme Court. He has filed multiple appeals in Federal Courts and has been admitted before the United States Supreme Court.

Our services include: Lead counsel on appeal, evaluation of any case for appeal, consultation and advice during appeal, editing and technical briefing advice to trial counsel, oral argument presentation, challenging or defending a court of appeals’ opinion on transfer, and interlocutory appeals.

Call West Sixth Law today and our team will ensure you understand every part of the appellate process.