Criminal Defense

Passionate Criminal Defense
When you’re arrested and charged with a crime, no matter how severe, it’s imperative that you get a team of experienced lawyers on your side who will protect your rights. We understand that you’re experiencing a wide range of emotions, from anger to fear, but it’s important you say as little as possible until we arrive.
Any comments can be held against you making it harder to provide an effective defense. Regardless of the charges, the team at West Sixth Law works with you to defend your rights. Conviction of even a minor crime can have devastating results, and we fight to minimize, or even avoid, that damage. Call us today at 812-273-5230 for a FREE consultation.
Misdemeanor Sentencing
- Class C misdemeanor — This level is for minors who are found in possession of alcohol. In the state of Indiana, you could face up to 60 days in jail and a fine of up to $500 for a Class C misdemeanor. A DUI can also be considered a Class C misdemeanor on your first offense.
- Class B misdemeanor — Carries jail time of up to 180 days and a fine of up to $1,000. For public intoxication or intentionally defacing or damaging someone’s property.
- Class A misdemeanor — The most serious level of offense. Carries a sentence of up to 365 days in jail and up to $5,000 in fines. You may be charged with drug offenses, anyone in possession of marijuana, or for operating a vehicle under the influence which endangers another person.
Felony Sentencing
- Level 6 — If convicted, you could face up to 2 1/2 years in state prison and fines up to $10,000. In some cases, charges may be reduced to a misdemeanor
- Level 5 — Vehicle theft. Punishable by fines up to $10,000 and up to 6 years in prison. In many cases, minimum sentencing is as much as 3 years in state prison
- Level 4 — Aggravated battery. Punishable by fines up to $10,000 and up to 12 years in the state prison system
- Level 3 — Punishable by jail time up to 20 years and a minimum fine of $10,000
- Level 2 — Punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and a jail sentence up to 30 years
- Level 1 — Conviction of a level 1 felony charge carries a prison sentence of up to 50 years and fines up to $10,000
- Murder — A murder charge in the state of Indiana can, with a conviction, result in a fixed prison sentence of as many as 65 years. Additionally, you can face life in prison without parole or, in particularly egregious cases, the death penalty.
West Sixth Law – Criminal Defense

Patrick Magrath

Cathy Copeland
Criminal Defense Legal Assistant