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2 reasons an SSDI benefits appeal may be worth pursuing

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2023 | Social Security Disability |

Some people try to submit an application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits on their own, only to end up rejected. Mistakes in paperwork or inadequate medical documentation might result in a denied application.

If the Social Security Administration (SSA) decides that an applicant does not qualify for benefits, that applicant likely has three options available to them. They can accept that they do not meet the standard for total disability and do not qualify for SSDI benefits. Those who believe the decision was wrong can either reapply or appeal the unfavorable determination. The appeals process can take more than a year in some cases, which might make reapplying seem like the better option. However, it is important to avoid dismissing the opportunity to appeal a denial without carefully considering this option.

Appeals often lead to benefits

Those who secure legal support after the rejection of their self-submitted SSDI benefits paperwork may improve their chances of successfully navigating the appeals process. When someone understands why the SSA rejected their benefits application and has help with the paperwork, it may not be that challenging to correct the issue. They may simply need to resubmit certain paperwork or attend a few more medical appointments to get sufficient documentation affirming how their condition affects their life.

Quite a few applicants end up getting benefits during the appeals stage. Overall, approximately 31% of the people who apply for SSDI get benefits, at least based on records from the SSA gathered between 2010 and 2019. Roughly 10% of applicants get benefits when they appeal an initial decision that is not in their favor.

Not only are appeals successful enough of the time to make the process worthwhile for individual applicants, but there is an added benefit to appealing as opposed to reapplying. Those who successfully appeal can receive backdated benefits that will cover them beginning when they first qualified after applying. They might get multiple months’ worth of benefits at once through the appeals process, which can help them cover their medical bills and other expenses. Those who reapply will generally not qualify for any backdated benefits.

Pursuing an SSDI benefits appeal can be a worthwhile endeavor for those concerned about their financial stability because they can no longer work. As a result, it is an opportunity worthy of careful consideration.

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