Every driver pays a different amount for their insurance coverage. Some people pay far more than others because they have a very expensive imported vehicle or live in a neighborhood where vehicle theft is relatively common. Others may pay substantially less because...
Criminal Defense
Understanding the roadside test for drugs in Indiana
Although drugged driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving, it’s harder for law enforcement officers to determine whether someone has drugs in their system when they stop a driver than if they’ve been drinking alcohol. There’s currently no breath test for drugs as...
4 key factors in a drug possession case
Indiana punishes people who are caught possessing illegal substances. A defendant can expect to face severe criminal charges, including incarceration and fines. A drug possession charge can also affect a defendant’s ability to find housing, employment and education. ...
What to look for in a criminal defense attorney
Facing any kind of criminal charge is a serious matter. A conviction for a serious offense can result in significant jail time. Even convictions for relatively minor offenses, such as driving infractions, can result in license suspension and other complications. One...
Why would an innocent person plead the Fifth?
There are certain constitutional rights that should not be overlooked in criminal cases, and one of these is the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. Often, pleading the Fifth is portrayed by the media, law enforcement and the prosecution as an indication of guilt....
Indiana’s overdose immunity law features many restrictions
In recent years, more states have enacted laws that provide immunity for drug possession offenses for those who seek emergency help for someone who appears to be suffering an overdose. In some states, this immunity extends to the person suffering the overdose whether...
4 mistakes that could negatively affect your criminal defense case
Getting charged with a criminal offense can be a challenging experience, as it has the potential to wholly transform the rest of your life. It is, therefore, important to be prepared and well-informed as to what you should and shouldn’t do as your case evolves. Once...
What are the penalties for a first-time OWI offense?
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) charges are relatively common in Indiana. Police officers arrest people at sobriety checkpoints, at the scene of car crashes and on the side of the road after one-on-one traffic stops. A combination of poor performance at...
How criminal defendants push back against state evidence
A police officer arresting someone does not automatically lead to their prosecution. Officers will need to present whatever evidence they have collected during their interactions with that individual to a prosecutor. The prosecutor must then determine whether that...
What drivers need to know about how Indiana penalizes DUI charges
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offense that is both common and dangerous. Although most DUI charges stem from someone getting caught driving under the influence because of bad driving habits, the laws prohibiting impaired driving exist because of the...